Psychiatric Control Systems

Welcome to our lab! 
New Positions Available (PDF).

Our research centers around the physics and engineering of human behavior, neural activity, and psychological patterns, aiming to unravel the mysteries of psychiatric disorders. The inherent challenge is to observe a minor fraction of the trajectory of the select measurable variables (e.g., an emotional state) and extrapolate inferences about the entire trajectory of all pertinent state variables. Leveraging cutting-edge techniques from complexity science, network control theory, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, we strive to quantify, predict, and control these dynamics. Our computational models are informed by rich datasets, ranging from mind-wandering experiments to neuroimaging. In the same direction, we are innovating machine learning to better model complex systems, exploring control strategies for the human brain, applying our findings to neuropsychiatric care, delving into memory processes that shape spontaneous thoughts.

Key areas of research: Physics of Behavior, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Network Control Theory



New Year, New Research! Welcoming 2025 with Publications!


Our Growing Family: Welcoming Talent in 2024

We’re happy to welcome Mdleen and Svenja as PhD students, Soroush and Shakiba as Master's student and Shiva as an intern! Welcome aboard.  A warm goodbye to Tahmineh, our former PhD student—we wish her all the best in her journey ahead. 

Welcome Madleen to Our Team! 

Madleen has joined our team as a Master's student in neuroscience starting this June! We look forward to the innovative contributions she will make to our research. Welcome aboard, Madleen!

Minh-Hieu H. Nguyen is leaving our lab. April

Hieu has left our team, We'll miss his valuable contributions and wish him all the success in his future career. 

New members of the Group. February

We are happy to welcome Marco and Bita as Master's students, and Sofia as an MD student, to our team!
Welcome aboard!

Exciting News. February

Our team secured a grant from 'Forschungsförderung Unikilinikum Marburg Gießen' to study major depression using EEG. This support will drive our research forward, providing us with the opportunity to delve deeper into our studies!

New postdoctoral researcher. October

We're excited to welcome Sarah to our team as our postdoc member! with her expertise and passion, we look forward to engaging in exciting projects together!

More papers online · August

During the summer holidays another of our papers got accepted. This one in particular was a tough cookie, so it was all the more pleasing to see it out there. Please feel free to have a look here! Additionally, we have a new preprint to share. This time on a new algorithm for resting state fMRI analysis. 

Two preprints · July

In coorporation with Carlos Zarate, two new preprints could get published. Both review protocols cover different topics. One focuses on the interplay between therapeutic ketamine administration and music, the other asks when and where in the brain emotional responses to visual stimuli are differentiated

New phd student arrives at our lab · June

Tahmineh Koosha had a long travel from Tehran before arriving at Frankfurt airport. We are lucky to welcome her here in Marburg and are looking forward to get started on some exciting new projects with her! 

Welcoming our new postdoctoral researcher!


Our lab is located at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, the chair for Computational Psychiatry.


We are associate PI at The Adaptive Mind, which is a research cluster that brings together scientists from AI, Medicine, and Psychology.

Through our close ties with the principal investigators in DFG FOR2107, our lab is associated with and closely collaborating with the research unit FOR 2107.

We are faculty member of the NCAD that is aimed to is to accomplish research in a highly translational manner, with structures that enable rapid conduct of translational clinical studies.

Where to find us

Psychiatric Control Systems Lab
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8
35039 Marburg



Imprint & Privacy Policy

Prof. Dr. Hamidreza Jamalabadi

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8
35039 Marburg

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